I am Rodah, I got to know AJAN 10 years ago. I met AJAN at a time when I needed help and when my family and the community, where I was living, had already neglected and rejected me because of my HIV status. I needed a shoulder to cry on.
I am Rodah, I got to know AJAN 10 years ago. I met AJAN at a time when I needed help and when my family and the community, where I was living, had already neglected and rejected me because of my HIV status. I needed a shoulder to cry on.
The war against AIDS hasn’t been won yet. Much has been done, but there still more to do, and it ought to be done in a better way, possibly the best. This call to sustained action to fight AIDS emerged during an assembly of several days that was held in Nairobi
“What are you going to Kenya to do? To discuss with people there about the lack of resources to support people living with HIV, like me? Tell them this: if I am alive today, it is because I was lucky to be brought from a distant village to this town,
On 23rd June 2017, AJAN celebrated its 15th anniversary. It has been 15 years since Jesuits and their co-workers started trying to link together to face the challenges of HIV and AIDS… Read more
On 23rd June 2017, AJAN celebrated its 15th anniversary. It has been 15 years since Jesuits and their co-workers started trying to link together to face the challenges of HIV and AIDS… Read more
Linked for life until the end We’ll be the last to quit the scene The war isn’t over yet
“What are you going to Kenya to do? To discuss with people there about the lack of resources to support people living with HIV, like me? Tell them this: if I am alive today, it is because I was lucky to be brought from a distant village to this town,
The war against AIDS hasn’t been won yet. Much has been done, but there still more to do, and it ought to be done in a better way, possibly the best. This call to sustained action to fight AIDS emerged during an assembly of several days that was held in
A message from the AJAN Director, Fr Elphège Quenum SJ (pictured above, in the middle) On 23rd June 2017, AJAN celebrated its 15th anniversary. It has been 15 years since Jesuits and their co-workers started trying to link together to face the challenges of HIV and AIDS. Bringing together their
On 24 March, AJAN launched its updated AHAPPY manual during an event held at the Paulines Communication Centre in Westlands, Nairobi… Read more