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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

Non à la stigmatisation et oui à l’amour sans limites : la transfiguration de Jésus comme appel au dépassement de soi

Notre réflexion pour le deuxième semaine de Carême vient du Père Jacquineau Azetsop SJ du Cameroun. Il réfléchit sur la deuxième lecture (2 Tm 1, 8b-10) et l’Évangile (Mt 17, 1-9) du deuxième Dimanche de Carême, le 16 mars. Timothée était le représentant de Paul à Éphèse. C’était un jeune

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Kenya: Nyumbani gets ISO certification

12 March 2014 – The Nyumbani Diagnostic Laboratory has received ISO certification that confers international recognition for the standards of its quality services offered to people with HIV. The certificate of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was presented by Kenya Accreditation Service officials during an event held at Nyumbani

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Zimbabwe: Now that we know more about HIV/AIDS…

12 March 2012 – Kingsley Chikwendu Madubuike SJ, a young Jesuit studying at the Arrupe College of Philosophy in Harare, shares some thoughts about AIDS following an AJAN workshop held there on 6 January 2014. His reflections are not his alone but also of fellow Jesuit students at Arrupe… It’s

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Togo: Dying for want of money

12 March 2014 – Bernard was a forty-something widower who lived in Lomé, Togo. His wife died of AIDS more than five years ago, leaving him with their four children. He loved them dearly and worried a lot about their future. Although Bernard had HIV, his health was quite good

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