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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

CAR: Learning to serve better

4 February 2014 – “Many people fear that getting to know their HIV status is like waking up a lion.” This expressive statement comes from Garlan Andjilio-Gbokossi, a young man who works as a counsellor with the Information, Education and Listening Centre (CIEE) run by the Jesuits at the University

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AJAN to launch AHAPPY webpage

Pope Francis’ conditional seal of approval of the internet comes as AJAN prepares to launch a webpage for young people as part of its AHAPPY package. Pauline Wanjau, AHAPPY manager, writes: The AJAN HIV & AIDS Prevention Program for Youth (AHAPPY), a successful package of educational material that focuses on

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AJANews 126 – January 2014

Central African Republic: Jesuit-run program at university perseveres amid chaos – A Jesuit-led team of young people at the University of Bangui that usually focuses on HIV prevention has kept its doors open despite the extreme violence and political upheaval that have rocked the Central African Republic (CAR) for the

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Christmas message from AJAN

As I sit to write my Christmas reflection, a favourite Scripture quote comes to mind: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” (Jn 1:14)… Read more

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