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All Posts by P. Matambura Ismaël, SJ

L'équipe d'AJAN AHAPPY organise un séminaire de sensibilisation au VIH/SIDA de deux jours à Ngara, en Tanzanie

On 15th and 16th December 2022, the newly trained AJAN AHAPPY team in Ngara, Tanzania successful organized and undertook a two-day seminar for the young people at AICT church in Ngara town. The trainers for the sessions were Mr. Fredinand Sebastien Chongera, Mr. Eliakimu Emmanuel Byemerwa and Mr. Noelina Damian

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Les membres du Mouvement des jeunes missionnaires (MYM) de la paroisse de St Andrews assistent à un séminaire de deux jours sur le programme AHAPPY, Ruiru, Kenya

At the start of this year, youth belonging to Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) had the opportunity to attend a two-day AJAN HIV and AIDS Prevention Program for the Youth (AHAPPY) seminar which was held from 11th to 12th January 2023 at St. Andrews Catholic Church-Gitothua in Ruiru, Kenya. The seminar

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À travers mon propre objectif,, un programme médiatique entrepris pour le projet Youth for Youth Initiative 2022 au Zimbabwe

In the Month of October the Jesuit Youth Office in Zimbabwe through the collaboration with the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) embarked on a media/journalism capacitation program under its Youth to Youth Advocacy Programme. The program titled ‘Through my own Lens’ is about young people owning and developing their own

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Le Service Yezu Mwiza Center, Bujumbura, Burundi entreprend l'Initiative Jeunesse pour la Jeunesse 2022 qui vise à autonomiser les jeunes dans le comportement sexuel et à prendre soin de l'environnement.

In the month of November, the roll-out of the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) Youth for Youth Initiative Program 2022 kicked-off in Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) Center, Burundi. The project undertaken seeks to support the youth and help them to develop sexual responsible behaviour and care for the environment. It

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Les Centres Sociaux Loyola (CSL) entreprennent la sensibilisation et le dépistage du VIH/SIDA parmi les habitants d'Agoè Nyivé lors de la Journée mondiale du SIDA 2022

“Push for Equality” is the theme chosen by UN-AIDS to celebrate World AIDS Day 2022. Since the inception of the celebration in 1988 by the United Nations, every 1st of December, it is an opportunity for global health organizations to raise awareness against the HIV/AIDS pandemic, during which people are

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