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Articles de la campagne AJAN

Echoes of peer education training in June 2020, Centre Maisha- Kisangani

By Norbert Bolenza Loose-Youth Coach-Centre Maisha. According to several analysts, the DRC in general and its eastern part, in particular, is lagging significantly behind in achieving the 90, 90, 90 goals of Onusida due to the political instability of the last 5 years characterized by poor governance, political intolerance, and

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Easter Life

EASTER LIFE Michael Czerny S.J. Founding Director of AJAN 2002-2010 Under-Secretary, Migrants and Refugees Section, https://migrants-refugees.va/   Today is Easter, and our risen Lord Jesus wishes each and everyone peace. His gift of shalom includes gratitude. I am grateful for repeatedly experiencing new life and so living Easter over and

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Good Friday

The struggle and agony of Susan: Jesus’ passion as experienced by people living with HIV & AIDS By PASCALIA SERGON (AJAN)   One day I went to visit a support group for people living with HIV & AIDS (PLWH). But I decided to pass by the district health Hospital; specifically

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Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday 2018 Matambura Ishmael, SJ. Director, Centre Maisha-Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo ismatambura@gmail.com  Holy Thursday begins Easter triduum with the institution of priesthood and Eucharist during the last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. The celebrations of this triduum remind us the call to freedom and life. The Synoptics,

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Palm Sunday

PALM  SUNDAY   Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 Give life freely for love of all people Fr. Augustine Ekeno,SJ Parish Priest St Theresa of Child Jesus, Parish Rumbek/ South Sudan The readings of this Sunday describe two realities related to how Christ gave up his life freely for love

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Dimanche des Rameaux

Dimanche des Rameaux Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 Donner la vie gratuitement par amour pour toute l’humanité P. Augustine Ekeno,SJ Curé Parois Ste Thérèse de l’enfant Jésus Rumbek/Soudan du Sud Les lectures de ce dimanche décrivent deux réalités en lien avec la manière dont le Christ offrit sa vie

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5e Dimanche de Carême

5e Dimanche de Carême Jr 31, 31-34; He 5, 7-9; Jn 12, 20-33 …. “Père, Sauve-moi de cette heure” ? Mais non! C’est pour cela que je suis parvenu à cette heure-ci! Par Sr Mary Owens Directrice, Children of God Relief Institute – Nyumbani, Nairobi, Kenya En ce 5e dimanche

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