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AJAN News Articles

AJANews Brief Juillet 2024 : Adopter l'Ubuntu comme chemin vers la résilience, la force et l'unité dans la lutte contre le SIDA

In this edition of the AJANews Newsletter for July 2024, AJAN calls for collective action and more concentrated focus on adolescents and young people. According to the UNAIDS 2024 Global AIDS Update, tremendous progress has been made in preventing new HIV infections despite this, Africa remains an epicenter of the

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Les élèves de St. Aloysius entreprennent une marche de sensibilisation au SIDA de 10 km dans les bidonvilles de Kibera

Students from St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School in Langata, Nairobi participated in a 10 kilometers AIDS awareness walk on Tuesday, 30th July 2024 in the streets of Kibera slums. Under the theme KNOWING MYSELF TO GROW MYSELF, the walk was part of the AIDS Awareness Day activities at the school supported

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CA MDG: Engagement Fort contre les Violences Faites aux Filles et aux Femmes et Promotion de l’Égalité des sexes

Since its inception in 2005 by Centre Arrupe (CA), AJAN affiliated Centre in Madagascar (MDG), the Programme Santé et Famille (PSF) (Health and Family Program (PSF))has been dedicated to promoting the values of a healthy and harmonious woman. In collaboration with AJAN, the PSF focuses on raising awareness and fostering

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CA MDG: Engagement pour la sauvegarde de notre maison commune : Un premier semestre riche en Actions pour l’Environnement

Madagascar is a country vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and one of the countries most exposed to climate risks. The pressures exerted on the environment are numerous: overexploitation of natural resources, trafficking of rare species, deforestation, selective logging, etc. “Given the scale of the changes, it is no

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