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HIV/AIDS: A Social Justice Perspective

HIV/AIDS: A Social Justice Perspective

2010 Fr Michael J. Kelly SJ Renowned AIDS expert Michael Kelly SJ bases his latest book on the premise that AIDS is a justice issue and a comprehensive response to the pandemic must address its fundamental drivers: socio-economic inequalities; discriminatory gender norms, disparities and power structures; stigma and discrimination; and

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AIDS, Ancestors and Salvation

AIDS, Ancestors and Salvation

2009 Fr Peter Knox SJ This book is the fruit of the doctoral thesis of Fr Peter Knox SJ, for which he was awarded the prestigious Governor General’s Medal in Canada. Fr Peter explores links between AIDS, the Catholic Church and the cult of the ancestors, a significant South African

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AIDS and the Church in Africa

AIDS and the Church in Africa

Fr Michael Czerny SJ, editor The second edition (first edition 2005) of a compilation of the contributions made at a two-day workshop of SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) in October 2003 in Dakar, on the theme: To Shepherd the Church, the Family of God in Africa,

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Education: For an Africa without AIDS

Fr Michael J. Kelly SJ This book shows how education is an effective social vaccine that really works against HIV and AIDS. It is a sustained argument for education to be strengthened: first, to understand what education is called to be like in response to the pandemic; second, to monitor

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Rays of Hope

Rays of Hope: Managing HIV&AIDS in Africa

2008 Paterne-Auxence Mombé SJ The second edition of Rays of Hope (first edition 2004) provides useful information about HIV and AIDS, their related diseases and symptoms and how to treat them medically and with nutrition, focusing on the means accessible to and affordable for Africans.

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Linked for life

Linked for Life

Michael Czerny SJ and Danielle Vella, editors Linked for Life tells the story of how Jesuits are living out their commitment to fight the pandemic, tracing the emergence of AIDS ministries in the already well-established apostolates of the Society: parishes; healthcare; education; development; pastoral and spiritual accompaniment; formation; and communications

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AIDS in Africa: Theological Reflections

2007 Bénézet Bujo SJ and Michael Czerny SJ, editors The Catholic Church, from the beginning of AIDS in Africa, has been active in alleviation and treatment, in prevention, consolation and spreading hope. As Christians, to interpret the AIDS reality requires good theology: to consider this complex issue seriously in the

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