
La réflexion est conforme à l’Évangile d’aujourd’hui
Textes bibliques:
First Reading: Gn 12, 1-4a
Psalm 32(33), 4-5, 18ss
Second reading: 2 Tm 1, 8b-10
Gospel: Mt 17, 1-9
Par le P. Charles SOMDA SJ, Coordinator CIEE-CCU/Bangui
La Conversion : Une porte ouverte pour les bénédictions divines
En ce 2ème dimanche du temps de carême de l’année A, notre méditation à partir des textes liturgiques nous engage dans un cheminement de foi comme réponse à l’appel du Seigneur.
“Abraham went away, as the Lord had asked him to do” (Gn 12,4). These are words that give us an example of a biblical character with emblematic faith: God, speaking to Abraham, asking him to leave are verbs of action that reflect the very dynamics of conversion. Conversion is a journey of faith that begins with listening to the word of God. To be converted is to set out on a journey, to “turn back”, to reorientate oneself, to leave the path of error. Conversion requires us not to remain fixed in our habits, our ambitions, and our plans for personal achievement. It is all about leaving our comfort zones and letting go of our apparent security. It is a matter of tearing ourselves away from our preconceived notions of happiness. God, in calling Abraham, promised him a bright future that goes even beyond his own person.
Toute vocation n’est pas orientée exclusivement vers les besoins de l’appelé, mais un appel à aimer et servir Dieu à travers les autres. Il s’agit d’entrer dans un projet plus grand que soi pour le bien de l’humanité. Le départ d’Abraham est une démarche de foi dont les fruits vont au-delà de ses attentes personnelles. Dieu lui demande de Lui faire confiance afin qu’Il puisse le combler au-delà de son désir d’avoir une progéniture, un héritier. Il n’y a pas de raison d’être réticent à nous convertir, car ce que nous gagnons en répondant à l’appel de Dieu est bien plus grand que ce que nous perdons en restant sur nos chemins et nos plans personnels. C’est obéissant à la voix du Seigneur que nous pouvons nous convertir et tirer profit des promesses du Seigneur. « Je ferai de toi une grande nation, je te bénirai, je rendrai grand ton nom, et tu deviendras une bénédiction. Je bénirai ceux qui te béniront » (Gn12, 3).
It is a matter of leaving the ambition to build a ‘kingdom’ for oneself and committing oneself to the great project of the Kingdom of God. God’s plan must take precedence, for it is the promise of inclusive happiness for a dignified life. The psalmist confirms this for us: “God watches over those who fear him, who put their hope in his love, to deliver them from death, to keep them alive in the days of famine. ” (PS32) St Paul in his second letter to Timothy reminds us that God has called us to a holy vocation, not because of our own actions, but because of his own plan and grace. The divine plan has been realised in the transfigured Jesus Christ.
The gospel of the transfiguration is a kind of visualisation of the radiant glory of Christ. The transfiguration of Christ is an epiphany that those who are willing to “climb the mountain” can contemplate and savor: “Lord, it is good that we are here!” This foretaste of the beatific vision says what the divine project will us lead to. In order not to remain on the sidelines of this project, it is important to be sensitive to the divine voice that tells us again: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: listen to him” (Mt 17, 5). Let us ask for the grace of listening to Christ, the Living Word of the Father, who will guide us in our conversion during this Lenten season.
Par, Charles SOMDA, SJ
Coordonateur CIEE-CCU/Bangui
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