6 March – AIDS is first and foremost an urgent challenge to social justice rather than a merely medical problem… Read more
6 March – AIDS is first and foremost an urgent challenge to social justice rather than a merely medical problem… Read more
6 March 2015 – The Jesuit parish of St Joseph the Worker in Kangemi, on the outskirts of Nairobi, runs the Uzima program for people living with HIV. Uzima has 45 men and 67 women in support groups… Read more
6 March 2015 – People living with HIV in Kenya are still subject to high levels of stigma and some still shun treatment as a result. A national survey based on “lived experiences” rated stigma and discrimination in Kenya at 45%… Read more
Renewing our commitment to “a faith that does justice” – AIDS is first and foremost an urgent challenge to social justice rather than a merely medical problem… Read more Kenya: National dialogue pledges joint action against stigma – People living with HIV in Kenya are still subject to high levels
AIDS is first and foremost an urgent challenge to social justice rather than a merely medical problem. This was the main message of the director of AJAN, Fr Paterne Mombe SJ, to Jesuits gathered in Nairobi from 18 to 22 February for a seminar on justice. The Jesuit Africa Social
The Jesuit parish of St Joseph the Worker in Kangemi, on the outskirts of Nairobi, runs the Uzima program for people living with HIV. Uzima has 45 men and 67 women in support groups. They come together to share experiences and to encourage each other in support groups. After hearing
People living with HIV in Kenya are still subject to high levels of stigma and some still shun treatment as a result. A national survey based on “lived experiences” rated stigma and discrimination in Kenya at 45%. The findings of the stigma index study were presented during a national dialogue
Augostine Ekeno SJ, ex-assistant director of AJAN The dream that I wished to come true about 15 years ago came to realization on Valentine’s Day this year. On 14 February, I and 17 other African Jesuits were ordained deacons, which is a significant step towards priesthood. The day marked an
Our reflection for the second Sunday of Lent (1 March) is written by Fr Ted Rogers SJ, a British Jesuit who spent decades pioneering social change in Zimbabwe. He co-founded the Jesuit AIDS Project in 1997 to stem the destruction of AIDS by reaching young people through peer education. Today,
Notre réflexion pour le deuxième dimanche de Carême (1er mars) est écrite par le père Ted Rogers SJ, un Jésuite britannique qui a passé des décennies en tant que pionnier du changement social au Zimbabwe. Il a cofondé le projet SIDA des jésuites (JAP) en 1997 afin d’endiguer la destruction