9 May 2014 – The African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) is launching a campaign to promote universal access to AIDS treatment in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve improved wellbeing for people with HIV… Read more
9 May 2014 – The African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) is launching a campaign to promote universal access to AIDS treatment in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve improved wellbeing for people with HIV… Read more
AJAN campaign to research access to treatment -The African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) is launching a campaign to promote universal access to AIDS treatment in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve improved wellbeing for people with HIV… Read more Africa: Ensuring real access to treatment, day by day -AJAN decided to focus
Faith-based organisations (FBOs) studied how to boost their work in giving life-saving care to people with HIV in poor countries during a recent consultation meeting in Rome organised by Caritas and UNAIDS. The meeting, held on 25 and 26 February 2014, laid down an AIDS roadmap to strengthen collaboration and
AJAN decided to focus its first research and advocacy campaign on access to ART and essential related services after shared discernment about the most urgent needs facing the people living with HIV whom we serve. Despite massive steps to scale up treatment, millions of people eligible to take ART still
The African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) is launching a campaign to promote universal access to AIDS treatment in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve improved wellbeing for people with HIV. The AJAN campaign will gauge the extent of real access of people living with HIV not only to ARVs but to easily
An Easter message from Fr Paterne Mombé SJ, director of the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN). “He has been raised from the dead.” (Mt 28:7) I spent the last week of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week animating two training-the-trainer workshops of AHAPPY (AJAN HIV&AIDS Prevention Programme for Youth).
Notre réflexion pour le jour de Pâques est écrite par par le Pere Paterne Mombe SJ, Directeur du Réseau Jésuite Africain contre le SIDA (AJAN). « Il est ressuscité d’entre les morts. » (Mt 28 : 7) J’ai passé la dernière semaine de Carême et le début de la semaine
Notre réflexion pour le Vendredi Saint est écrite par le Père Isidore Bonabom SJ de la Province jésuite d’Afrique du Nord-Ouest. L’homme mourant dans son lit d’hôpital avait son histoire lui aussi. Son histoire faite de tant de grâces n’a pas changé parce qu’il était séropositif ou parce qu’il était
Notre réflexion pour le Jeudi Saint est écrite par le Père Lawrence Kyaligonza SJ, curé de la paroisse Saint-Joseph-Ouvrier de Kangemi, à Nairobi. Le Jeudi Saint est pour nous un jour important pour réfléchir à l’amour de Jésus pour nous, un amour qui est provocateur dans son ouverture à tous.
Our reflection for Good Friday is written by Fr Isidore Bonabom SJ from the Jesuit Province of North-West Africa. The man who lay dying on the hospital bed had his story too. His graced history did not change because he was HIV-positive or lay dying surrounded by a few loved