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AJAN News Articles

Declaração dos Resultados da Convenção de Nairobi sobre a Eliminação do Cancro do Colo do Útero e a Vacinação contra o HPV.

“Uniting Faith and Science against Cervical Cancer.” In a landmark gathering at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Nairobi, from June 11th to 13th, 2024, the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) under the Africa Economic and Health Transformation Initiative (AHETI) joined global leaders, health professionals, faith leaders, and policymakers united under the

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Celebração do Dia Global de Ação de Luta contra o Abuso e o Tráfico de Drogas no Serviço Yezu Mwiza (SYM).

On June 26, 2024, Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) hosted an event to commemorate the Global Day of Action against drug abuse and trafficking. The event’s slogan was “Support Don’t Punish,” with the theme: Together, We Can Build Sustainable Alternatives in Burundi. This event saw the participation of the Local Consultant

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Resultados positivos obtidos na reunião de coordenação com os membros do Comité de Coordenação Municipal no Burundi

In the framework of the “TUBAKARORERO” Project implemented in Bujumbura Province by the Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM), in partnership with Care International and under the financial support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Burundi, SYM organized a meeting of coordination bringing together the members of the Municipal Coordination Committee

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Formação em Empreendedorismo Social: AJAN, CASE e AgroMwinda formam Jovens Inovadores em 14 Paróquias de 7 Dioceses na RDC

African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) in collaboration with Comboni Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) and AgroMwinda a social, educational and economic platform that supports small farmers and micro entrepreneurs with innovative solutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo undertook a 3-day training program for the youth from 20th to 22nd

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AJAN leva a mensagem de transformação social aos jovens líderes da Diocese Católica de Marsabit, no Quênia.

In a county once marked by community violence, where numerous youths were promised a better future in exchange for causing mayhem, Marsabit County has achieved a state of peace over the years. However, unemployment, the lack of economic opportunities and drug abuse continue to leave many youths vulnerable, disillusioned, and

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Sementes de Esperança: Cultivando Mudanças por meio do Empreendedorismo Social e da Conservação Ambiental

In this edition of the AJANews Newsletter for May 2024, we explore the crucial intersection of environmental conservation and social entrepreneurship. The need for sustainable practices is more pressing than ever, and combining these two fields can create powerful solutions for some of the planet’s most critical challenges. In 2023

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