The Chikuni Parish Home-Based Care (HBC) program in southern Zambia is the winner of the first annual award for excellence in Jesuit AIDS ministry in Africa and Madagascar.
The Jesuit Superiors of Africa and Madagascar (JESAM) and by the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) launched the award this year to identify, reward and share best practices among AIDS projects led or supported by Jesuits.
We warmly congratulate and thank Fr Kelly Michelo SJ, Director of Chikuni HBC, who for the past few years has worked tirelessly to promote self-reliance among people with HIV and for the program itself.
Our heartfelt compliments and gratitude also go to the rest of the participants for their laudable work, which truly exemplifies the vision and values of AJAN.
Please see the letter of the JESAM President, Fr Michael Lewis SJ, announcing the award.