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AJAN News Articles

Éducation à la vie et à l'amour : le CIEE-CCU équipe ses pairs éducateurs, Bangui, République centrafricaine

As part of the activities of the Centre d’Information, d’Education et d’Ecoute of the Centre Catholique Universitaire (CIEE/CCU), a day was organized for Education in Life and Love (EVA) for the benefit of Peer Educators this Saturday, October 22, 2022 at the University Catholic Center in Bangui, Central African Republic

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Renforcer l’éducation thérapeutique, pour une bonne prise des medicaments

Therapeutic education is a process of strengthening the capacities of the patient and/or those around him to take charge of the condition that affects him. It is complementary and inseparable from treatment and care, the relief of symptoms, the prevention of complications. It contributes to the improvement of the patient’s

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Joie et gratitude lors de la célébration du 20e anniversaire d'AJAN au Zimbabwe

The national celebrations for AJAN’s 20th Anniversary were held on the 24th of September 2022 at St Dominic’s Chishawasha. An approximate of 200 people namely students from the hosting school, Visitation-Makumbi High School and St Peter Claver along with their matrons and patrons attended this event. The occasion was graced

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Le webinaire sur les questions soulevées par les adolescents, les jeunes et le VIH, les défis et les leçons apprises sur les mesures proactives pour impliquer les jeunes sur les questions d'infection à VIH, de santé sexuelle et reproductive et de violence sexiste

The SAA/WHO AFRO ADOLESCENT, YOUTH AND HIV WEBINAR held on September 22 inspired young people and those working together with young people including all the centers affiliated to African Jesuits AIDS network (AJAN) to get out of their comfort zone and to try new roles in engaging young people to

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Le Service Yezu Mwiza, Burundi, sensibilise les jeunes des provinces de Kayanza et Ngozi sur la pré- et post-exposition au VIH

Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM), which is part of the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) work in Burundi through collaboration with ICAP Global health Burundi organized awareness-raising activities in the provinces of Kayanza and Ngozi, on September 9 and 10, 2022, with the aim of informing young people on vacation about

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Le Centre Arrupe Madagascar dit « Oui à la vie !!! pendant le 20e anniversaire d'AJAN

The celebration of the 20th anniversary of AJAN at the Center Arrupe Madagascar was a convivial moment for the stakeholders who have collaborated with AJAN in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Madagascar since 2005. Among the attributions of the Arrupe Center through its Pastoral Health and Family Program (PSF), is

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The Brief By, Dennis Owuoche, In our AUGUST edition of AJANEWS issue we basically focus on AHAPPY Training of trainers (AHAPPY TOT) August 2022. The AJAN secretariat team through the stewardship of Fr. Ismael Matambura SJ, AJAN Director, has implemented different training of trainers (TOT) sessions that took place in the Jesuit Noviciat in the Democratic Republic

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