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AJAN Y4Y Initiative

Visite sur le terrain du projet AJAN Youth for Youth Initiative 2022-2023-Zambie

CHIKUNI PARISH HOMEBASED CARE PROJECT UPDATE Project: Upliftment of Youth to Eradicate Poverty Part of AJAN contribution towards UAPs number three; ‘Journeying with the Youth’, besides the AHAPPY program is through Youth-led Initiatives. For the year 2022-2023, AJAN rolled out a Youth for Youth (Y4Y) project that was carried out

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Le Centre Maisha, RDC, termine le projet Y4Y et célèbre la fête de Saint Louis de Gonzague avec les bénéficiaires

On June 13, 2023, St Ignace College in Kisangani organized a cultural day marking the end of the 2022-2023 school year, in the great parish hall Christ Roi de Mangobo in Kisangani. The support from Centre Maisha for this school activity was applauded by everyone in the room at the

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Les jeunes de Bangui s'engagent pour un environnement durable

As part of the AJAN Youth for Youth initiative (AY4Y) program by the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN), the Education le Centre d’Information d’Education et d’Ecoute du Centre Catholique Universitaire de Bangui (CIEE-CCU) in Central African Republic undertook a project dubbed “Youth Actions for a Healthy and Sustainable Environment” (AJESD)

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Atteindre l'égalité et la justice dans le sillage du VIH/sida et des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) Augmentation des infections

The Society of Jesus in Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) takes note of the frightening rising cases of HIV/AIDS infections among the youth in Africa. HIV/AIDS remains a public health concern across the globe, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In commemoration of World AIDS Day 2022, JCAM’s theme “Equalise to address inequalities,

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