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All Posts by Pe. Matambura Ismael, SJ

Iniciativas de empreendedorismo social lideradas por jovens para uma igreja autossuficiente ganham impulso na paróquia de Cimpunda, RDC

In a dynamic series of events, the youth of Notre Dame de la Miséricorde Parish in Cimpunda, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), have taken bold steps to advance social entrepreneurship and community development in their parish. The first event, held on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, brought together young members

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O SYM capacita os vulneráveis ​​através da educação entre pares e da assistência médica móvel

On September 12, 2024, Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) in Burundi organized a mobile clinic in the communities of Kabezi and Ruziba. This initiative, part of SYM’s commitment to enhancing public health in Burundi, focused on delivering therapeutic reinforcement and holistic health education, targeting the vulnerable populations who have limited access

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SYM capacita mães adotivas na luta contra o VIH

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) in Burundi hosted an event marking the launch of the Mothers Nurturing program, a critical initiative aimed at supporting HIV service providers and strengthening the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) services in Bujumbura North District. The event brought together foster mothers

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Workshop de Advocacia: Rumo à gestão sustentável dos sacos de plástico em Madagáscar

On 25-26 July 2024, CA MDG organized a crucial advocacy workshop as part of its Environment and Sustainable Development EDD Programme. This event brought together various sustainable development stakeholders as well as policy makers to discuss the challenges posed by plastic bags and sachets smaller than 50 microns. Acting for the

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CA MDG: Forte Compromisso contra a Violência a Meninas e Mulheres e Promoção da Igualdade de Gênero

Since its inception in 2005 by Centre Arrupe (CA), AJAN affiliated Centre in Madagascar (MDG), the Programme Santé et Famille (PSF) (Health and Family Program (PSF))has been dedicated to promoting the values of a healthy and harmonious woman. In collaboration with AJAN, the PSF focuses on raising awareness and fostering

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CA MDG: Commitment to safeguarding our common home: A first half-year rich in Actions for the Environment

Madagascar is a country vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and one of the countries most exposed to climate risks. The pressures exerted on the environment are numerous: overexploitation of natural resources, trafficking of rare species, deforestation, selective logging, etc. “Given the scale of the changes, it is no

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