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Artigos sobre AIDS na África

“It is a losing battle to fight a practice without knowledge”, a take-home from third day of training for AJAN network

   By Caleb Mwamisi  What would you do if you donated green grams to mothers to feed their young ones for a balanced diet, and you realized that the same was being sold for bread to be bought? The above is a question which was posed by trainers, Dr. Paschalia

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Continuing to strengthen young people against the HIV virus amidst Covid-19

According to several analysts, the DRC in general and its eastern part in particular, is significantly lagging behind in achieving the UNAIDS objectives 90, 90, 90. This is attributable to political instability of the last 5 years, characterized by bad governance, political intolerance and other forms of violence in our

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Echoes of peer education training in June 2020, Centre Maisha- Kisangani

By Norbert Bolenza Loose-Youth Coach-Centre Maisha. According to several analysts, the DRC in general and its eastern part, in particular, is lagging significantly behind in achieving the 90, 90, 90 goals of Onusida due to the political instability of the last 5 years characterized by poor governance, political intolerance, and

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Histoire des centres sociaux Loyola – AJAN Histoires d’impact Projet de communication et de recherche

AJAN tient à documenter les activités entreprises par les centres sociaux jésuites en Afrique subsaharienne, en particulier en ce qui concerne le VIH et le SIDA. Alors que le secrétariat coordonne des activités et propose des formations telles que AHAPPY depuis 2002’à présent, l’impact de ce travail n’est pas clair.

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CHU Bom Samaritano (Chade)

Covid-19: «Aquisição de testes e proteção do pessoal de saúde», uma escolha estratégica. Nos últimos meses, o mundo passou por uma crise de saúde virulenta devido à Covid-19. A África não está imune, como alguns cidadãos pouco informados ou tolos acreditavam ou ainda acreditam. A propagação do vírus é agora

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