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AJAN News Articles

Melhores informações para combater as desigualdades: CIEE / CCU cria consciência

To combat inequalities, stigma, discrimination, information plays a vital role. Awareness-creation activities offer a favorable windfall for this purpose. As part of the activities of the 33rd edition of the World AIDS Day, the Centre Catholique Universitaire CIEE / CCU, in partnership with the CN/CNLS, with the financial support of UNFPA, organized

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Ecos do Centro Maisha (Kisangani / RDC)

Besides routine activities, the month of November 2021 was marked by the following activities at Centre Maisha: AJAN Director’s visit to the Maisha Center The official launch of the activities of the Ignatian year Mass in memory of the deceased beneficiaries the current year a) The visit of the Director of

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Chikuni Homebased Care realiza workshop de empreendedorismo para 35 jovens líderes

By Catherine Milimo, Chikuni Home-based Care Chikuni Parish conducted a three-day community youth leaders’ orientation workshop from 19th to 21st November 2021 which 35 youths attended. The community youth leaders were trained in the use of natural resources, environmental protection, climate change, deforestation, afforestation, conservation farming, and entrepreneurial skills/ schemes

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“Agora estamos mais bem equipados”, afirmam os agentes penitenciários durante o treinamento do AHAPPY na Prisão Máxima de Kamiti.

AJAN Ministry in the prisons proceeds as Prison officers are trained “I am much better prepared to engage the imprisoned youth now. I am now aware about the changes the youth are undergoing because it shows through their emotions and irritability. I have learnt more about values, virtues, and principles.

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