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AJAN News Articles

Construir a Irmandade e o Sucesso Académico no SJDP, Nairobi, Quénia: Uma Semana de Crescimento e Apoio aos Jovens

From November 4th to 10th, 2024, Saint Joseph Development Programmes (SJDP) carried out impactful activities centered on supporting young boys and addressing their unique challenges. The highlight was the Boys Forum held over the weekend—a dedicated session where secondary school boys came together to connect, openly discuss their struggles, and

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A Visita Inspiradora do Padre Kizito aos Programas de Desenvolvimento de São José: Um Dia de Esperança

Towards the end of the Month of September St. Joseph Development Programmes was honored to host the Jesuit Provincial of Eastern Africa Province, Father Kizito Kiyimba SJ, during a meaningful visit that left a lasting impact on the community. His presence brought warmth, encouragement, and a sense of renewed purpose

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AJAN Takes Its Transformative AHAPPY Training to the Chaplains and Prison Catechists from the Coastal Region, Kenya

African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) in collaboration with Catholic Prisons Chaplaincy (Coast region) recently conducted a comprehensive five-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program for chaplains and catechists from the Coast Region. The AHAPPY (AJAN HIV and AIDS Prevention Program for Youth) training, took place from October 14th to 18th, 2024,

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Os jovens de Madagáscar lideram o ataque: pioneirismo no empreendedorismo verde para um futuro sustentável

From September 12 to 17, 2024, a vibrant training program on green entrepreneurship took place in the village of Aina Benasandratra, Madagascar. Organized by Centre Arrupe, Madagascar (CA MDG), the 4-day continuous training was part of the (Life and Environment Education (LIFEE) Project aligned with the Season of Creation, which

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Iniciativas de empreendedorismo social lideradas por jovens para uma igreja autossuficiente ganham impulso na paróquia de Cimpunda, RDC

In a dynamic series of events, the youth of Notre Dame de la Miséricorde Parish in Cimpunda, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), have taken bold steps to advance social entrepreneurship and community development in their parish. The first event, held on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, brought together young members

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