The celebration of AJAN 20th anniversary in Burkina Faso was held on Sunday July 24, 2022, at the headquarters of ABE. The event was marked by the attendance of about fifty people who were there to celebrate the achievements of AJAN and ABE over the 20 years. Present at the event was Ms. Felicienne Marie C OUEDRAOGO, ABE director accompanied by the members of the ABE office and the peer educators trained in the AHAPPY program.

The event started off at 10 a.m. with the distribution of food to 20 people living with HIV, who are beneficiaries of ABE. Each of one of them received a 20kg bag of rice and three balls of soap. At the end of it all a total of 400kg of rice were shared plus 60 balls of soap. The beneficiaries were very happy and gave blessings to AJAN and ABE.

After that there was the eucharistic celebration mass at 11 a.m. in the hall of the association by the Jesuit Father François Xavier who took the chance to thank AJAN for this noble gesture of fraternity towards the beneficiaries and wished AJAN a happy birthday for its 20 years of existence at the end of the mass.

As the celebration came to an end a meal was shared between all those present, adults, young people and children with the ceremony winding up at around 1:40 p.m.
We thank the Lord for his love for us. Thank you, AJAN, for this great initiative to grant us a chance to celebrate together with our beneficiaries on its 20th anniversary. Long live AJAN and long live ABE.
By Ms. Felicienne Marie C OUEDRAOGO,
ABE Director
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