On Wednesday, December 22, 2021, the large Christ Roi parish hall of Mangobo in Kisangani welcomed students from 3th, 4th, 5th and 6th classes of the humanities of St Ignatius College for a video-forum organized by the Director of the Maïsha Center as part of the Ignatian Jubilee Year.
The video recounted the life of St Ignatius of Loyola as is in the Pilgrim’s Story. It was surprising to realize that many students attending this college did not know the Patron Saint of their school, let alone the Jesuit Fathers. One could read on their smiling faces their wonder when the speaker revealed to them that the fathers of the parish of Christ-Roi are Jesuits and ‘sons’ of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

“Seeing all new things in Christ” is the theme of this Ignatian Year, explained the Director. The representative of the students of the college expressed a wish that the students can take Christ as the only reference for their life. Inspired by Ignatius’s experience of God, he invited them to let themselves be transformed by God instead of letting themselves be lulled by the world which is constantly changing.

A segunda atividade do dia dizia respeito à proteção da nossa “casa comum”. Uma conferência sobre "mudança climática e proteção ambiental" conduzida por sua vez pelo Diretor do Maisha Center e pelo Sr. Felly Bombata, professor da faculdade, foi a oportunidade de chamar a atenção dos alunos para o bem. -com base na proteção do nosso meio ambiente. Os problemas climáticos estão ligados às ações e comportamentos humanos em relação à natureza. É o homem que está no centro de muitas atividades que promovem as mudanças climáticas.
Creating awareness about the protection of the environment, community participation, discouraging gas emission activities, and encouraging reforestation all help to fight climate change. This is how the Maisha Center contributes to the invitation of the Holy Father regarding the “Laudato Si Platform for Action”.

It is not only the students of Saint Ignatius college who have benefited from Maisha’s activities -In Saint Gabriel, the young people of the KA group (Kizito-Anuarité) gave a good example to others by collecting the rubbish abandoned all around their parish. It is an example for others to follow as it is something they do regularly.

Our beneficiaries also benefited were trained on the manufacture of pineapple juice, ginger juice, cocoa wine, and pineapple wine.

In fact, for the first time in its history, Father Provincial has sent a candidate for internship at the Maisha Center. It is about Premices MUMBERE who completed his secondary studies in agro-industrial technique

O objetivo desse treinamento é ajudar essas pessoas a se tornarem financeiramente independentes, realizando pequenas atividades que podem trazer uma pequena renda para lutar contra o aumento da dependência, dada a sua situação. 5 miséria e grande precariedade amplificadas pela presença da pandemia COVID-19.
Ao final do treinamento, cada um dos beneficiários recebeu um pacote de alimentos para o Réveillon 2022.

December 2021
ANGWAMBI KUKYA Toussaint / Maisha Centre