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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

L’honnêteté et la reconnaissance

Notre réflexion pour la quatrième semaine du Carême (30 mars) est écrite par le père Ted Rogers SJ. Le Père Ted est un Jésuite britannique qui a passé des décennies à témoigner du changement social au Zimbabwe. Parmi ses nombreuses réalisations est sa réponse visionnaire à la crise du SIDA

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Honesty and acknowledgment

Our reflection for the fourth week of Lent (30 March – 5 April) is written by Fr Ted Rogers SJ. Fr Ted is a British Jesuit who spent decades pioneering social change in Zimbabwe. Among his many achievements is his visionary response to the AIDS crisis in this country. He

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AJANews 128 – March 2014

Burkina Faso: New centre for AIDS association – There were a dozen or so people, mostly women and children, crammed into the rundown room in Pissy, a neighbourhood of Ouagadougou. They were in a poor state; the room didn’t even have a door or windows to keep out bad weather…

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Burundi: SYM helping flood victims

The Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) in Bujumbura is helping some of its beneficiaries who lost everything when torrential rains swept away their belongings. The rains lashed suburbs of Bujumbura on the night between 9 and 10 February. They left many victims in their wake, who were offered shelter in a

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Jésus nous montre comment aimer…

Notre réflexion pour le troisième semaine de Carême vient de Sœur Alison Munro OP, directrice du Bureau d’action contre le SIDA de la Conférence épiscopale catholique d’Afrique Australe. La lecture du troisièmeDimanche de Carême, prise de l’Évangile, de Jean 4, 5-42, se focalise sur la relation entre Jésus et la

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Jesus shows us how to love

Our reflection for the third week of Lent (23 – 29 March) is written by Sr Alison Munro OP, director of the AIDS Office of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC). The Gospel on Sunday, 23 March, of John 4:5-42 focuses on the relationship of Jesus and the Samaritan

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