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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche


There are nearly 23 million people living with HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, and 14.8 children orphaned by AIDS. Behind the enormous horrifying statistics, there are individuals, with a name and a family, a unique and irreplaceable face and personality. Here you can meet and listen to some who

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Zimbabwe Province (ZIM)

Zimbabwe is home to a dynamic youth project focused on HIV prevention. Fr Ted Rogers SJ launched the Jesuit AIDS Project (JAP) in Harare in 1996 with Mrs Christine Mtize to fight the alarmingly high prevalence rate in the country.  Since then, JAP has enabled thousands of youth to live

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Zambia-Malawi Province (ZAM)

AIDS is a declared priority for the ZAM Province of the Jesuits. Two landmark meetings organised in recent years gave further shape to the unique contribution that Jesuits can bring to the struggle against the pandemic. One of the meetings, which were organised by the social apostolate committee of the

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West Africa Province (AOC)

The sprawling AOC Jesuit Province covers Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Senegal and Togo. The province has made efforts to place AIDS ministry squarely in the context of its priorities, with an AIDS Commission and formation for Jesuits and co-workers wishing

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South Africa Region (SAF)

In the country with the world’s largest AIDS epidemic, the Jesuits naturally support those affected by AIDS and seek to stem the further spread of AIDS in the course of their daily work. Jesuits in South Africa work as university and school chaplains, parish priests, lecturers in philosophy and theology,

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North-west Africa Province (ANW)

The ANW Jesuit Province incorporates Nigeria, Ghana and Liberia. In Nigeria, AIDS ministry is part and parcel of many of the Jesuits’ apostolic works. In Lagos, for example, a Jesuit is chaplain at the University Teaching Hospital. In Gidan Mangoro, Abuja, AIDS ministry has long been part of the make-up

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Eastern Africa Province (AOR)

The Jesuit AOR Province covers Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Kenya is home to AJAN House, the coordinating hub of the AJAN network located in Kangemi, a poor suburb of Nairobi. In Nairobi, Jesuits have been instrumental in founding innovative projects for AIDS-affected children and teenagers. These projects have

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Central Africa Province (ACE)

The ACE Jesuit Province, which is confined to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is home to a leading AJAN project: Parlons-SIDA (Let’s talk about AIDS) in Kisangani. The parish-based project offers holistic and personalised care to people with HIV, their families and orphans, and conducts awareness activities. Other Jesuit

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