As part of the activities of the Centre d’Information, d’Education et d’Ecoute of the Centre Catholique Universitaire (CIEE/CCU), a day was organized for Education in Life and Love (EVA) for the benefit of Peer Educators this Saturday, October 22, 2022 at the University Catholic Center in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR). 116 Peer Educators from the 14 Health Info Clubs (CIS) took part in this training.
Mrs. Mathurine Lili MONDI-OUIABONA animated the first sequence of the day by developing the theme “Education for life and love”. This theme allowed the peers to have a general overview of the question of life and love and above all to make a physiological distinction between the genital apparatus of men and women while defining in passing the divine origin of the union between man and woman (cf. Genesis 1,28 then Genesis 2, 24-25). In this module peer educators were urged to keep their hearts pure while shedding light on the choice and characteristics of a good friend.

After the presentation of the module, the peer educators were divided into eight working groups to reflect on various topics that relate to the module. The fruits of their reflections in a small team are presented to the other participants who did not fail to ask constructive questions.
The second module entitled: “emotional intelligence” was presented by Father Léon HOUNSA, SJ, the Director of the University Catholic Center. The intervention was articulated around the understanding of the meaning of emotional intelligence as “The ability to recognize one’s own feelings and those of others, to motivate oneself and to deal effectively with emotions, both in one’s inner life and in one’s relationships with others. »

The host insisted on the importance of knowing how to identify our emotions in a situation and how to manage them. To develop the skills of Emotional Intelligence it is necessary to know:
1. Recognize one’s own emotions and analyze them (self-awareness);
2. master them, (self-control);
3. put them at the service of a goal (motivation);
4. reconnaître les émotions des autres et les partager (empathie) ;
5. recognize the emotions of others and share them (empathy);
This module ended with the same type of exercise mentioned above in the previous module, followed by a family photo and then lunch.
Samuel KADDA IV and Martine GOMDIGUE, Catholic University Center