As part of the 16 days of activism against violence against girls and women, the MDG CA, through its partnership with AJAN, marked this event to raise awareness for the respect of the rights of all human persons, in especially those who are vulnerable and excluded from society.
Indeed, the MDG Board of Directors has chosen to strengthen its commitments to fight against all forms of injustice. Madagascar is one of the countries most affected by violence against girls and women, given the persistence of traditional practices harmful to the well-being of the person, the school attendance rate being very low (only 76% for the primary level), the poverty of the population (91% live below the poverty line with an income of less than $2/day), non-compliance with the legal frameworks set up in the country, etc.
The contribution of CA MDG, responding to its vocation to be a training and research center, is precisely to offer various training topics within the framework of the fight against violence against girls and women, with the aim of strengthen the skills of development actors, raise awareness among the various organizations and associations of the solidarity to be carried out in this fight, and carry out research in order to offer the best recommendations and appropriate approaches. The activities carried out with young people in this context were carried out successfully thanks to the collaboration and support of the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN).
Indeed, to strengthen this fight, awareness-creation and advocacy tools are considered to be really useful in achieving objectives. A competition for young people was opened for this purpose, it is a design of advocacy tools in the fight against violence against women and girls, to defend their cause and their right, to prevent the various kinds of violence and to support the victims during his painful times. The official exit of the 4 winners of this competition was therefore organized on December 10, International Human Rights Day, a day relayed by various messages of reflection, awareness, solidarity and awareness to constantly lead the fight against any violation of the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable.
During the World AIDS Day December 1, the MDG Board intends to empower the population about HIV and AIDS.
Since 2009, awareness of the fight against HIV / AIDS has been lost due to various factors related to financial partnership and national circumstances. Despite the HIV prevalence rate which is less than 1% in Madagascar, the number of people living with HIV has increased in the last quarter, with more than 1,000 people testing positive, according to the executive secretary of the National Committee for the Fight against AIDS made during the celebration of the day of December 1.
What is most alarming is the fact that these figures mainly concern the young Malagasy population from the age of 15. Moreover, the circumstances created by the existence of the coronavirus put the importance of this fight in second or third place of the public’s concerns. The MDG CA, through its weekly meeting with its listeners loyal to the radio program, spoke about this subject during its program. The discussed theme “HIV / AIDS still exists in our country, let’s not be reckless”, aims to wake up the population and warn them about this upsurge in HIV-positive cases. Note that the MDG CA continues its care and support activities for needy PLWHIV who come to the Center.