After seven years of primary school education, 206 students were admitted to pursue their secondary education at Ocer Campion Jesuit College, Gulu, Uganda. AHAPPY team dedicated six hours on Friday 24th, February 2023 to speak to form one students aged 12-15 years. We are delighted to journey with them towards the realization of their academic potentials and beyond. One week was set apart to orient and induct them to the new way of life here. This included what is expected of them, the mission and vision of school, school discipline and prayer life.

The students gathered at multipurpose hall where they were trained on self-awareness, HIV and STDs. As they begin their journey to adulthood through adolescence we are here to journey with them for the four years and we expect none of them to fall a victim rather all to be responsible for their health, academics, social behavior and our advocates.
Adolescents are generally very inquisitive and eager to learn. They had a lot of questions as they explored the resources we offered on this event. AHAPPY team lead by Md. Monica and Br. Msaki facilitated their learning through presentations, open discussion, snow balling and short videos. Our participants were so active and interested on the topic. They openly gave their views and seeking clarity on some items. They were supportive and confident more than shy as we expected of them.

This being the youngest group we have ever handled, We discovered that young people have basic knowledge on HIV and STDs. Also, they have similar misconceptions, doubts and lack contemporary details about this topic. Since they have not explored much into the world of sciences some of the concepts could not arrive home. We are planning to meet them at the end of term in June to evaluate their engagement.

We have invited them to join AHAPPY Club in OCER and eighteen of them are our advocates. We are grateful to the school administration for giving us this opportunity to care for our young ones, more so to AJAN for facilitating these programs. We look forward to achieving more in this fight against HIV through series of events designed for them.
By, Sch. Rovelt Msaki SJ,
AHAPPY Assistant Coordinator & Teacher Ocer Campion Jesuit College
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