In his message to the entire AJAN family Rev. Xavier Jeyaraj, SJ General curia Secretary, Social Justice and Ecology, Rome during AJAN 20th Anniversary he said, “It is a moment to thank God for all the graces you received, and the way you have been able to reach out. I remember your AHAPPY Programs, training conducted to build integral peace and human dignity.

During this time of health pandemic, covid19 that has shaken the world with fears and anxieties, it is good to remember what happened 3 decades ago. We know how the world responded as soon as Covid hit Europe or US or the so-called developing nations. It reminds us how the entire world watched when African peopled died of HIV AIDS. Silence at that time was deafening. But the amount raised to face the present crisis shows that the world wakes up only when the western ship is rocked not when Africa, Latin America or Asia is hit by any calamity. This celebration is an invitation that we need to work together to shake up the world to show our solidarity with any crisis, whether it happens in Africa or anywhere in the world.”

Rev. Xavier Jeyaraj, SJ General curia Secretary, Social Justice and Ecology, continues by stating that his message during AJAN 20th Anniversary is a message of solidarity and a message of call to unite to challenge the powers that be, to be the Conscience keeper for the leaders and nations, who make the decisions. I remember the words of Pope Francis on March 27, 2020, during his Urbi et Orbi, “We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other.”
“AJAN when it was founded 20 years ago, probably this was the vision: To see each other as our brothers and sisters on the same boat. Congratulations. Secondly, this is also an invitation to look beyond HIV-AIDS or Covid. While we do celebrate what God has done through AJAN, it might be the time to what is the future? Does AJAN remain AIDS focused or go beyond to see the health crisis. The present health crisis is a creation of our human abuse of the natural wealth gifted to us by God, including the wealth of human love, dignity, and care for others. Can we look beyond Covid and ensure how AJAN would want to move towards the future?” he asked.
Rev. Xavier Jeyaraj, SJ General curia Secretary, Social Justice and Ecology finalized his message to the AJAN family by stating that it his desire and prayer that we discern together to connect with the weak and the poor respecting their dignity with love and bring joy to all.
Dennis Owuoche
Communications and Research Officer, AJAN