In this wonderful homily for 5th Sunday of Lent, Year A, Sch. Rovelt Msaki S.J. explains that the key to understanding the gospel about the raising of Lazarus can be found in the words of Jesus to Martha “He is the resurrection and life.”

Readings for Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year A
- First Reading: Ezekiel 37:12-14
- Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
- Second Reading: Romans 8:8-11
- Gospel: John 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33-45
Today the Church presents us with a great miracle, Jesus resurrects a deceased that had been dead for several days. Lazarus’ resurrection is a revelation of the mighty of Christ which we will soon commemorate on Easter Sunday. Jesus tells Martha that He is the resurrection and life, He asks all of us: “Do you believe this?” Do we believe that God has given us a new life through our Baptism? This resurrection is the foundation of our hope, which is not based upon an uncertainty future and false commitment, but upon a fact that the risen Lord will set us free.
Christ is not resigned to the tombs that we have built for ourselves with our choice for evil and death, with our errors, with our sins. He invites us to come out of the tomb: ‘Come out!’, He says to us. It is an invitation to true freedom. Absolute freedom is knowing that we have escaped the consequences of sin because of what He did for us unto death on the cross. When we accept Christ into our hearts, He breaks the chains of sin, restoring our relationship with God and giving us eternal life. He frees us from our guilt, shame, and broken-heartedness.
During this Lenten season we are invited to dwell more into prayer, fasting and alms giving. This practices will bring us closer to God. The nature of our lives deters us from our creator. Our troubles, pains, tough times and life entanglements should not keep us astray from the love of God. Christ has freed us today from all kinds of bondage. We need to deepen our prayer life and practice our love to others in order to embrace the love Christ has given us.
Let us pray for liberation from our sinful ways so that we live in Christ. As He did with Lazarus he will do to everyone who cries to him. Frequent examination of conscience will help us to keep focus on our beloved Lord. He has already set us free from all bondage and darkness of sin. We keep our trust in Him. It has never been easy but trough his grace we can.
By, Sch. Rovelt Msaki S.J.
AHAPPY Assistant Coordinator and Teacher at Ocer Campion Jesuit College, Gulu, Uganda
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