On 8th June 2024, Saint Joseph Development Programmes (SJDP) were lucky to welcome his Grace Archbishop Stefan Heße of the Archdiocese of Hamburg in Germany. During his brief visit, Archbishop Stefan had the opportunity to meet Upendo unit children and all the staff working at Upendo. It was a great moment with wonderful cordial conversations.

Archbishop Stefan Heße of the Archdiocese of Hamburg gets to greet and interact with the pupils and staff of St. Joseph Upendo unit children, Kangemi, Kenya.
Thereafter, his Grace took a brief tour of the Technical and Secondary school side where he met the staff and some representative students. His visit culminated with the holy mass at the parish. We are so grateful for the new connection and look forward into the future for even greater interactions for the greater glory of God’s kingdom.

As the second half of the year unfolds, at St. Joseph Development Programs, its blessings upon blessings. During the months of May and partly June, the Technical Training Center has had a successful enrollment of new students. Both Electrical and electronics, Hairdressing and Beauty and Fashion and Design departments are now busy instilling the necessary skills to the new students. We remain grateful to God for everything and for everybody who keeps our programs active.
By, Francis Kyalo, SJ.,
Deacon, St. Joseph Development Programmes, Kangemi, Kenya.
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