My experience of the AHAPPY training given by AJAN at OYDC was very wonderful. I gained knowledge on topics that I generally didn’t know about. The topics on mindset and drug abuse really captured my interest as most youths of our generation tend to turn to drugs in this case harmful substances when caught up in difficult situation to calm themselves down but in the process, we cause harm to our bodies.

The other topic which we youths don’t talk about but is of utmost relevance is the topic on HIV and AIDS. My understanding from the discussion that we had at the workshop is that we young people engage in sexual intercourse without knowing the impact we are having on ourselves. But since I have gained this knowledge, I can be able to teach other teenagers on the dangers of HIV and AIDS and many other STIs. While at the same time give them the possible solutions.
By, Patricia Sakala,
St. Joseph’s Secondary school
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