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Better information to fight inequalities: The CIEE / CCU creates awareness

To combat inequalities, stigma, discrimination, information plays a vital role. Awareness-creation activities offer a favorable windfall for this purpose. As part of the activities of the 33rd edition of the World AIDS Day, the Centre Catholique Universitaire CIEE / CCU, in partnership with the CN/CNLS, with the financial support of UNFPA, organized an awareness campaign on the HIV / AIDS for the benefit of students at the University of Bangui and the Ecole Normale Supérieure and other higher institutes of the city of Bangui.

The Peer Educators of CIEE / CCU started the awareness campaign at the Higher Institute of Agronomy of Central Africa (ISAAC) housed within the Catholic University Center. The agricultural students were treated to a brief reminder of the context of the awareness campaign by Dr. BALEKOUZOU, epidemiologist and advisor to the CN / CNLS, who invited everyone to do their part to put an end to inequalities, AIDS, and pandemics. The CIEE P. Es were able to convey some knowledge about HIV / AIDS while inviting caution and vigilance to avoid AIDS by applying the ABCD method: Abstinence-Good Fidelity-Chastity-Screening. They insisted on the fact that everyone at their own level must work to banish all forms of stigma and discrimination against PLWHIV. This same awareness campaign extended to the University of Bangui on December 6 and 7, 2021; and IUGE and INJS; December 08, 2021.

For a target of 1000 people sensitized in three days, despite the situation of teachers’ strike observed at the University of Bangui, which considerably reduced the attendance of the campus by students, we were able to reach a total of 1315 people. A success rate of 131.5 percent. The rating index for the level of knowledge of HIV / AIDS and STIs in the student body is 3 out of 5, which is a sign that the good information is spreading more. Therefore, we hope to end inequalities, AIDS, and pandemics where they are propelled by ignorance.

Charles SOMDA, SJ

Coordinator CIEE / CCU-Bangui

Dennis Owuoche

Dennis Owuoche Shadrack is the AJAN Communications and Research officer, Having joined AJAN in 2022 he has a broad experience in content writing; statements, press releases , website management, brand development, developing communications strategies and managing the social media, disseminating knowledge products, preparing flyers, reports and spreading other materials in order to enhance awareness about HIV and support Holistic development of the young people as a AHAPPY Trainer.


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