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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

AJANews 139 – April 2015

Rwanda: Rediscovering a zest for life – The young woman approached Suzanne tentatively. “I want to ask you something,” she said shyly. “I have no family, will you be my aunt please?” Suzanne had first seen Chantal (not her real name) the day before, when she met a group of widows.

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Zambia: The path of life

Darrin Zammit Lupi is a photojournalist from Malta who generously volunteers to photograph AJAN projects across Africa. Darrin takes photos for Reuters, which has published this blog about a recent visit to the home-based care project of Chikuni Parish in southern Zambia. Read more…

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What am I for?

“AHAPPY is trying to shape us into people who love God, our neighbours and ourselves.” Eric is enthusiastic as he talks about the AJAN HIV and AIDS Prevention Program for Youth. His thin hands gesticulate expressively as he makes his main point about AHAPPY: “The content shapes a complete person,

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Collection of AJAN Lenten reflections 2015

18 February, Ash Wednesday – Michael Kelly SJ (Zambia)  22 February, first Sunday of Lent – Time Baluwa (Zimbabwe) 1 March, second Sunday of Lent – Ted Rogers SJ (Zimbabwe)  8 March, third Sunday of Lent – Desire Yamuremye SJ (Burundi) 15 March, fourth Sunday of Lent – Kassoa Lare SJ (Central African Republic) 22 March, fifth

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Les femmes de Kibera, témoins de la Résurrection

Notre réflexion pour le jour de Pâques est écrite par par le Pere Paterne Mombe SJ, Directeur du Réseau Jésuite Africain contre le SIDA (AJAN).  Il y a quelques semaines, je prenais part à une rencontre dans une paroisse de Nairobi (Guadalupe Parish) avec nos partenaires dans la mise en œuvre de projets de microfinances visant

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The shadows cannot stop this light

Our reflection for Good Friday is written by Fr Jean-Claude Michel SJ, assistant to the Superior of the Jesuit Region of Rwanda-Burundi and ecclesiastical assistant of the Christian Life Communities of Rwanda. I invite you to join me in reading the narrative of the trial and execution of Jesus of

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