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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

AJANews 138 – February 2015

Renewing our commitment to “a faith that does justice” – AIDS is first and foremost an urgent challenge to social justice rather than a merely medical problem… Read more Kenya: National dialogue pledges joint action against stigma – People living with HIV in Kenya are still subject to high levels

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From herds-boy to Jesuit deacon

Augostine Ekeno SJ, ex-assistant director of AJAN The dream that I wished to come true about 15 years ago came to realization on Valentine’s Day this year. On 14 February, I and 17 other African Jesuits were ordained deacons, which is a significant step towards priesthood. The day marked an

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Doing what is true

Our reflection for the second Sunday of Lent (1 March) is written by Fr Ted Rogers SJ, a British Jesuit who spent decades pioneering social change in Zimbabwe. He co-founded the Jesuit AIDS Project in 1997 to stem the destruction of AIDS by reaching young people through peer education. Today,

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Faire ce qui est vrai

Notre réflexion pour le deuxième dimanche de Carême (1er mars) est écrite par le père Ted Rogers SJ, un Jésuite britannique qui a passé des décennies en tant que pionnier du changement social au Zimbabwe. Il a cofondé le projet SIDA des jésuites (JAP) en 1997 afin d’endiguer la destruction

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