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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

AJANews 129 – April 2014

AJAN campaign to research access to treatment -The African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) is launching a campaign to promote universal access to AIDS treatment in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve improved wellbeing for people with HIV… Read more Africa: Ensuring real access to treatment, day by day -AJAN decided to focus

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Forming upright men and women

An Easter message from Fr Paterne Mombé SJ, director of the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN). “He has been raised from the dead.” (Mt 28:7) I spent the last week of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week animating two training-the-trainer workshops of AHAPPY (AJAN HIV&AIDS Prevention Programme for Youth).

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Dieu est ici

Notre réflexion pour le Vendredi Saint est écrite par le Père Isidore Bonabom SJ de la Province jésuite d’Afrique du Nord-Ouest. L’homme mourant dans son lit d’hôpital avait son histoire lui aussi. Son histoire faite de tant de grâces n’a pas changé parce qu’il était séropositif ou parce qu’il était

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God is here

Our reflection for Good Friday is written by Fr Isidore Bonabom SJ from the Jesuit Province of North-West Africa. The man who lay dying on the hospital bed had his story too. His graced history did not change because he was HIV-positive or lay dying surrounded by a few loved

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