Since December 2023, the Health and Family Program, in partnership with the communications department, has been hosting the radio show « Education à la vie et à l’Amour » (“Education for Life and Love”) on Radio Don Bosco 93.4 FM. Broadcast every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., this show aims to raise awareness among the general public on essential issues related to health, family and well-being.

From Archives: Fr. Ismael Matambura Sj, Director of AJAN (center) with RAZAFINANDRAINA Noël Marie Cyprien Médard Sj, CA Director, (right) and Masy Alinoro, CA-MDG team (left) during the live broadcast of the « Education à la vie et à l’Amour » program on Radio Don Bosco in the year 2022.
A varied program for everyone
Every Thursday, the show addresses current topics and issues that affect each of us. The first Thursday of the month is entirely dedicated to each Centre Arrupe-Madagascar (CA MDG) Program, thus providing a platform for exchanges and privileged information. The other Thursdays are devoted to the Episcopal Commissions on Health, Family and the HIV and AIDS Prevention Program for Young People – AHAPPY, thus allowing specific topics to be explored in depth and listeners’ questions to be answered.
The range of topics covered is vast and covers a wide range of areas including sexual and reproductive health including the prevention of STIs, contraception, family planning are topics covered. Maternal and child health such as pregnancy, childbirth, nutrition, vaccination, or mental health where stress, depression, psychological well-being are topics to be debated. But also, family life: education of children, parent-child relationships, life as a couple. One of the important topics is nutrition: balanced diet, fight against malnutrition, different addictions: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, politics: situation of the State but especially environmental health.

To do this, professionals are invited to speak at each show, depending on the theme. For its development, after an hour of discussion with the guests, listeners are in turn invited to ask questions and share their experiences. The show helps improve the population’s knowledge of health in several areas.
In July, 4 shows were broadcast:
July 4 : Independence surrounded by a faith that makes justice reign
Link to listen: Radio Don Bosco – Independence surrounded by a faith that makes justice reign (
Every individual is an actor in their development. On the occasion of World Population Day, the program “EVA” on Don Bosco 93.4 FM, explored the links between population, education, health and sustainable development.
1 July 1: Do not abandon me in my old age
Link to listen: Radio Don Bosco – Do not abandon me in the days of my old age (
The fourth Sunday in July is World Day of Older Persons. To mark the occasion, the show highlighted the importance of caring for and showing gratitude to our elders.
July 8 : Health: Masculinity and Femininity
Link to listen: Radio Don Bosco – Health: masculinity and femininity (
Every child is unique, with their own masculine or feminine characteristics. Education about sexual identity is essential for their development. The show took the time to offer keys to parents to accompany their children in this discovery. God created human beings as male and female to continue the work of creation entrusted to them. Therefore, it is necessary to know the physical condition of gender, to be able to calculate and take care of it. It is the duty of parents to inform and educate their children when they are young, so that they know how to distinguish their identity, whether male or female. Natural or biological characteristics are different for both men and women.
2 July 5: Good behavior during the holidays
Link to listen: Good behavior during the holidays
Holidays yes, but not at the expense of health! HIV/AIDS is a reality. The EVA show raises awareness of the risks.

« Education à la vie et à l’Amour » (EVA) is much more than just a radio show. It is a real educational tool for everyone. By addressing various topics and giving the floor to experts, the show helps to improve the knowledge of the population and promote a healthier lifestyle. Don’t hesitate to join us every Thursday at 10am on Don Bosco 93.4 FM to discover new topics and chat with our guests.
By, Communication Officer,
Centre Arrupe, Madagascar (CA-MDG).
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