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Centre Maisha, DRC wraps up Y4Y Project, conducts celebration of the feast of Saint Louis de Gonzague with Beneficiaries

On June 13, 2023, St Ignace College in Kisangani organized a cultural day marking the end of the 2022-2023 school year, in the great parish hall Christ Roi de Mangobo in Kisangani. The support from Centre Maisha for this school activity was applauded by everyone in the room at the request of the student president during his speech.

Youth gather to celebrate a cultural day marking the end of the 2022-2023 school year, in the great parish hall Christ Roi de Mangobo in Kisangani
Youth gather to celebrate a cultural day marking the end of the 2022-2023 school year, in the great parish hall Christ Roi de Mangobo in Kisangani

The month of June also marked the end of the activities of the “AJAN Youth for Youth Initiative” project, after six months of its execution. This project has contributed a lot to improving reading among young people in the “Literacy” component, to the satisfaction not only of the beneficiaries, but also of their parents and supervisors.

On June 21, 2023, Centre Maisha celebrated the feast of Saint Louis de Gonzague, patron saint of people affected and infected by HIV and AIDS, and those who take care of them. The Eucharist was celebrated by the Director of the Center Maisha in the Church of Christ the King parish of Roi de Mangobo à Kisangani. The celebration brought together around thirty participants made up of beneficiaries and staff members of the Centre Maisha. Inspired by the address of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians (second letter).

Fr. BINDANDA, giving his homily during the celebration of the feast of Saint Louis de Gonzague
Fr. BINDANDA, Centre Maisha Director giving his homily during the celebration of the feast of Saint Louis de Gonzague

Fr. BINDANDA, in his homily, reminded the participants that “God loves those who give cheerfully”. The true gift is that which comes from the heart, and which unfolds in love of neighbour. Like Christ, the young Gonzaga gave himself, without regret or constraint, to help the plague-stricken souls at the cost of his own life. And he received from God the abundant grace of holiness. So, let’s be in solidarity with each other, let’s pray for each other; even in secret, let us be guardians and servants of one another, and God sees every little effort that the just man makes, however discreet, and he will reward him.”

Before the closing of the ceremony, the Director of the Centre Maisha gave thanks to all the participants and encouraged those infected with HIV to follow the antiretroviral treatment schedule and to remain always attached to the Lord.

Beneficiaries receiving envelopes on the occasion of the feast of Saint Louis de Gonzague.
Beneficiaries receiving envelopes on the occasion of the feast of Saint Louis de Gonzague.

After the mass, the Director of the Centre Maisha got the chance to interact with the beneficiaries of Centre Maisha were comforted to return home after having received both spiritual and material food.

By, Toussaint ANGWAMBI,

Secrétaire CM

Ismael Matambura



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