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In this AJANews Newsletter, February 2024 issue, “Let us all unite in building a future full of hope,” said Jesuit Superior General Father Arturo Sosa in a message released by the Jesuit Curia in Rome for the 2024 World Day of Social Justice.

In a brief video message on the World Day of Social Justice on 20 February, Father General Arturo Sosa SJ reminds all of the continuing injustice in an “increasingly unjust world” and the need to do more for the victims so that we “bring them down, with Jesus, from the cross” while recognizing those working tirelessly for justice, peace, and reconciliation. Initiated in 2007, the United Nations General Assembly established the World Day of Social Justice. This year, the theme – Global Coalition for Social Justice: Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances highlights the importance of fostering dialogue on actions needed to achieve social justice by strengthening the social contract fractured by rising inequalities, conflicts and weakened institutions meant to uphold and protect the rights of all.

In a world still full of many injustices. The need for social justice is more pressing than ever. Despite significant progress in areas such as poverty reduction and access to education and healthcare, challenges remain. Rising inequalities, conflicts and weakened institutions continue to undermine efforts to create a more just and equitable society. As the world marked World Cancer Day on 4th February 2024, the WHO predicts that cancer-related deaths in Africa will surpass the mortality rate of malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV combined by 2030. According to WHO Regional Director for Africa Matshidiso Moeti, “In 20 years, cancer death rates in Africa will overtake the global average of 30 percent, with cancer cases among adults in Africa being attributed to breast, cervical, prostate, colorectal, and liver cancers. Although progress is being made, more urgent action is needed to boost access to prevention, screening services for early diagnosis and treatment.”

On 6th February 2024, the world went to commemorate Safer Internet Day with a slogan, “Empowering Minds, Protecting Rights: Creating a Safer Digital Africa”, encourages everyone to promote a safer digital environment for Africa’s youth. According to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), as of May 2022, there were about 590 million users (43 percent internet penetration) in Africa. These figures include children, who represent a third of all internet users in the world and are increasingly exposed to the virtual environment. The ACERWC notes that the digital era has fundamentally changed how children exercise and realize their rights. Growing up online offers limitless opportunities for critical learning, skills development and to express themselves. According to latest data (SSO, 2023) every (100 per cent) young person aged 15-24 in our African countries uses the internet and almost all (97 per cent) use it several times every day. However, increasing amounts of time on virtual platforms can also leave children more vulnerable to cyberbullying and other forms of peer-to-peer violence, hate speech and exposure to harmful content – including messages that incite self-harm and even suicide.

This is a call to action for all stakeholders to join hands in empowering minds and protecting the rights and life of the younger generation in the digital era. By blocking inappropriate content, creating awareness and education programs, having cyber safety tips and stronger internet safety rules. With the right resources, knowledge, and support, we can create a safer digital Africa, ensuring that our youth can leverage technology’s benefits without falling prey to its potential pitfalls.

Celebrating World Day of Social Justice each year serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing need to address social injustices and work towards creating fairer and more equitable societies for all. During this season of Lent, all of us are called and reminded to deepen our relationship with God through the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Not only that, but when we carry out those actions and fulfil what we have been recommended to do during this solemn period of Lent, we should do them with the right intention and purpose, that is to bring ourselves closer to God. Additionally, when we give alms, let us spare generously for everyone in our community who is less fortunate than ourselves. Furthermore, almsgiving ought to encompass more than just financial contributions; it ought to involve our time, attention, love, and care for the vulnerable, less fortunate and unloved.

Pope Francis centered his Lenten message for 2024 on the Book of Exodus, choosing “Through the Desert God Leads Us to Freedom”. According to Pope Francis reflection, “the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, is a story that not only represents the journey from bondage to emancipation but also of revelation and spiritual freedom, “is a demanding one” and that “it is not answered straight away. It has to mature as part of a journey”. In Lent, we find new criteria of justice and a community with which we can press forward on a road not yet taken.

As we set to follow a new path this Lent season 2024, the Pope has encouraged us all to undertake an interior examination by asking: “Do we hear that cry? Does it trouble us? Does it move us?” We cordially invite you to join us in seeing God in those who are less fortunate, the outcasts, and the marginalized.

By, Dennis Owuoche,

AJAN Communications Officer.

Ismael Matambura



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