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Madagascar’s Youth Lead the Charge: Pioneering Green Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Future

From September 12 to 17, 2024, a vibrant training program on green entrepreneurship took place in the village of Aina Benasandratra, Madagascar. Organized by Centre Arrupe, Madagascar (CA MDG), the 4-day continuous training was part of the (Life and Environment Education (LIFEE) Project aligned with the Season of Creation, which runs from September 4 to October 4, 2024. The event aimed to promote the concept of a circular economy while encouraging young people to engage in fostering a green economy.

The training brought together young representatives from seven associations committed to sustainable development, hailing from five different regions across Madagascar: Menabe, Analanjirofo, Analamanga, Atsimo Andrefana, and Boeny. These participants were immersed in a transformative learning experience that provided them with the skills, knowledge, and inspiration to drive eco-friendly business initiatives in their communities.

Day 1: Laying the Foundation for Green Innovation

The first day, September 12, 2024, kicked off with fundamental discussions centered around sustainable development and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants were introduced to key concepts such as the circular economy and the green economy, along with an exploration of ecological innovation and green entrepreneurship. These sessions were facilitated by experts including Maeva Randriamisely, Research and Documentation Manager at MDG CA, Henintsoa Nary Mihamina, Environment and Sustainable Development Project Manager, Patricia Tahirindray, Program Coordinator, and Efa Ralonantoandro, Program Manager for Environment and Sustainable Development.

Day 2: Building Sustainable Business Models

On the second day, the focus shifted to designing sustainable business models and tackling the barriers to social innovation. The morning session, led by Patricia Tahirindray and Fidele Randriamananjara, challenged participants to think critically about the hurdles and opportunities of creating eco-friendly businesses. The session was followed by inspiring presentations from Mrs. Faravololona Rasamimanana, President of Vohitra Environment, and Mrs. Aina Rakotomalala, Project Manager at Andao Company, who shared practical strategies for eco-friendly entrepreneurship.

In the afternoon, participants were captivated by Gaëlle Randriamanana, Founder and CEO of STCV, who shared her personal journey in green entrepreneurship. Her success story motivated the participants, showing them that building sustainable businesses is both feasible and rewarding. The day ended with a session on financing mechanisms for climate initiatives, led by Efa Ravelonantoandro and Henintsoa Nary Mihamina, helping participants understand the financial resources available for ecological projects.

Day 3: Perfecting Green Business Projects

By the third day, the training moved into more hands-on activities, as participants focused on refining their green entrepreneurship projects. The facilitators—Patricia Tahirindray, Fidele Randriamananjara, and Efa Ravelonantoandro—guided them through essential tools and methodologies such as market research, the Lean Startup methodology, Lean Canvas, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) core concepts of the AJAN Jesuit Youth Entrepreneurship Action (JYSEA). These practical techniques equipped the young entrepreneurs with the means to effectively design and execute their business ideas.

The day ended with a reflective mass centered around Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ encyclical on caring for our common home, reminding the participants of the spiritual dimension of their work in safeguarding the environment linking sustainable development goals with environmental stewardship.

Day 4: Securing Partnerships and Funding for a Green Future

The final day, September 16, 2024, was all about funding, partnerships, and innovation. Participants delved into topics like risk analysis and engaged in a lively debate about the carbon market. In the afternoon, they presented their eco-innovative business models, each project demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainable development and a greener economy.

The training concluded with a festive celebration. A traditional evening, followed by the awarding of certificates, marked not just the end of the program but the beginning of a new adventure for these young entrepreneurs. Their four-day journey had strengthened their capacity to tackle environmental challenges and foster sustainable development within their communities.

Towards a Greener Future

This initiative represent a powerful movement toward a greener and more environmentally friendly economy. The training, exchange of ideas, and commitment shown by the young participants will undoubtedly contribute to shaping a sustainable future for Madagascar and beyond.

Together, we step into a future where green entrepreneurship and sustainable development pave the way for lasting change.

By, Communication Team,

Centre Arrupe, Madagascar (CA-MDG).

Ismael Matambura



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