In collaboration with African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) and in support of the youth to youth initiative for 2022/2023 in Accompanying young people on Monday 21st and 22nd, AHAPPY team facilitated a sensitization program on STI’s , for two days. The main participants were form one students (180) in day one and form two students (150) who were trained on the second day . The program was facilitated by Md. Monica Lanyero and Sch. Msaki Rovelt SJ. The main objectives of the training was to increase knowledge on STI’s with a major focus on HIV/AIDs among the youth.
The participants were taken through the session covering topics on Introduction to sexual transmitted Infections, Discussion on various STI’s, Details on HIV/AIDs and ways to stay safe. The facilitators engaged the participants through organizing group discussion sessions, presentation, narrating and listening to short stories, watching relevant movies and review of the session through assessment cards.
During the session, the facilitators provided insights by pointing out that Sexually transmitted Infections are among the most important health issues for the people especially the young adults worldwide. Young people tend to engage in sexual activity at younger ages recently. Knowledge is an essential precursor of sexual risk reduction. Students’ awareness and perception about sexually transmitted Infection became our foundation stone to build up new knowledge.
At the end of both the training sessions it was evident that most of the students are well informed about STIs, however not all. The informed group had much to share in our open discussions. The role of facilitators in the session was to clarify doubts and highlights on new knowledge. The less informed group learned through questions and discussions carried out by the audience. There are stories and myth around HIV/AIDS. STIs which in a way mis-informs young people. These includes; traditional cure for HIV/AIDS, onset age for sex, symptoms and modes of transmission of Sexually transmitted infections. Probably they gathered this information from the community and peers as they try to quench their curiosity.
By the end of the program students were able to elaborate about various STIs. To mention their causes, symptoms, mode of transmission and ways to keep safe. Students could answer various questions prepared by the facilitators in details and confidence not as before. Thus the main objective was attained. We are looking forward to engage the students in various activities to enhance what they have learn.
By, Md.Lanyero Monica & Sch.Msaki Rovelt.
AHAPPY Facilitators, Ocer Campion Jesuit Collage In Gulu-Uganda