AJAN constantly seeks to nurture positive virtue to the youths, in collaboration with society and its social structures. To secure the upbringing of our young people, the AHAPPY team in Ocer Campion Jesuit College-Uganda joined hands with Comboni Missionaries from 25th to 27th March 2023 to integrate these virtues into their life.

The seminar was attended by 140 students, members of CYMG/ Christian Youth Missionary Group from 20 schools and technical institutions around Gulu city. 86 were girls and the rest were boys aged 15-24 years old. The main objective of this seminar was to prepare our learners to be bold in their Christian faith thus ‘To prefer to die than to Sin’. A number of sessions were prepared to deliver this purpose home.

The students get into groups for extensive discussions
AHAPPY team had four hours to discuss with learners about purity. Md. Monica and Sch Msaki SJ led the group through talks, open discussion and reports from learners. The topic on purity gave the trainers an opportunity to encourage the learners to take up the culture of abstinence from all impure thoughts, motives and action thus implanting a heart that desires nothing more than to be with God and to do what pleases him. Impure feelings simply exist, but what we do with them determines if they are sinful or not. Impure thoughts, motives and acts includes Sexual fantasies, fornication, musterbation, violence against others or us, cheating, divorce, rape, and other behaviors.

The trainers elaborated on Love, Purity, impurity and Christian values. The team was impressed by the outstanding feedback from our learners which proved their familiarity with the topic. Our team supplemented to their prior knowledge and clarified on their reports from group discussion. We discovered that our learners are aware of the dangers of engaging in impure acts however they are driven by desires for pleasure. It’s hard for them to resist and fight temptations but through this training they have developed necessary skills to be bold enough.

In as much as we strive for a world free of HIV/AIDs, our efforts towards this call takes different shapes. Instilling moral values and self-awareness will tackle the prime causes of immorality which has proven to be the driving force to the enormous spread of HIV. Therefore, we call upon our collaborators to channel their efforts towards cultivating moral values among their peers. We are grateful to AJAN for facilitating this outreach program. With the efforts of School administration, Comboni missionaries and AHAPPY team at Ocer, our main objectives were met successfully.
By, Sch. Rovelt Msaki SJ,
AHAPPY Assistant Coordinator & Teacher Ocer Campion Jesuit College.
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