After nine months of intense school activities for school children, the time has finally come for a break. Two to three months for some, a few weeks to a month for others depending on the level of studies. Some pupils and students take this time to travel, have fun and rest. For others, it is an opportunity to do odd jobs and earn a little money, while some take advantage of this time to develop certain skills in order to prepare for professional life.
In their role of training young people, the Loyola Social Centers – Loyola Cultural Center, once again mobilized pupils and students in order to give them various training sessions. The idea is to equip them but also to channel them during this holiday period when most young people let themselves go adrift.
Useful Holidays 2021 and IT initiation
Strengthening the capacity of the computer room allows the Loyola Cultural Center (CCL) to continue giving training sessions. During this holiday period, many schoolchildren, pupils, and students have benefited from the Computer Initiation program. This training allowed young learners to familiarize themselves with the computer. They were particularly equipped with the components of the computer; starting and stopping the computer; the use of Microsoft Windows 10; word processing with Microsoft Word 2016; Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheet for calculations; the use of the Internet; the proper use of other smartphones. Learners have acquired the skill of researching the web. A certificate of end of the training was issued to all participants.

Useful Holidays 2021 and youth entrepreneurship
The Loyola Cultural Center (CCL) in its mission of integral training of young people, has again mobilized to bring together several children, young people, and adults around workshops of various activities. The participants were trained in the making of clay beads, the making of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings with the manufactured beads; the manufacture of bags made from the mat; the manufacture of garbage baskets; the scarf tie demonstration; the decoration; package packaging and cooking.

These useful holidays, the end of which is marked by the presentation of certificates, allowed participants to further discover their practical intelligence, to develop it, and to acquire manual skills that will be useful to them to start a small income-generating activity in order to self-help.

All the training sessions of these useful vacations were coupled with awareness-raising on STIs-HIV, barrier measures for Covid-19, protection of minors and/or vulnerable people, and personal development, aimed at raising awareness among learners and make them fit to face their future.