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The Brief

By, Dennis Owuoche,

In our AUGUST edition of AJANEWS issue we basically focus on AHAPPY Training of trainers (AHAPPY TOT) August 2022. The AJAN secretariat team through the stewardship of Fr. Ismael Matambura SJ, AJAN Director, has implemented different training of trainers (TOT) sessions that took place in the Jesuit Noviciat in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in one of the Jesuits schools of theology in Africa. That is Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus (ITCJ) in Ivory Coast. These training sessions run for a period of one week each. 

Fr. Ismael Matambura SJ, AJAN Director, was assisted by Ms. Pascalia Sergon (AJAN Capacity Building Officer), Mr Kienge Dieu Merci from, AHAPPY program Trainers from DRC and Mr. Euloge VIHO from Centre sociaux Loyola (Togo). They engaged the participants using presentations, group work, and short dramatic plays that made the sessions indeed participatory.

As AJAN works together with the trainers to guide the young people through the the AHAPPY program, we seek integral youth development to sensitize adolescents and youth on positive values and HIV/AIDS and as a result empower these populations with information to initiate and maintain favorable behavior, thus reducing HIV infection and violence amongst the youth. The program also focuses on engaging the youth in building their capacity and empowering them with knowledge that will transform them in building their careers and society as well as promote a healthy planet and promote justice and equalities.

One of the Strategic priorities of AJAN 2025 is to put the youth at the center without leaving none behind. Also, the mandate of AJAN, besides several others is to Keep HIV & AIDS on the Agenda of the Jesuits, the Church and the rest of society. Therefore, the network seeks to empower Jesuits, pastoral agents, Religious and other people in society’s mainstream, so that they take a more active role in the fight against HIV/AIDS, promote equalities, fight poverty with sustained commitment in their various capacities and areas of mission. The undertaking is also motivated by the Jesuit universal call to journey with the youth in the creation of a hope-filled future (UAP3).

Ismael Matambura


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