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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche

Un appel à couper les bruits de tous les jours

La réflexion d’AJAN pour ce premier dimanche de Carême, le 22 février, est écrit par Time Baluwa, coordonnateur du Integral Youth Development (Programme Développement Jeunesse Intégral) à Harare, au Zimbabwe. L’esprit conduit Jésus dans le désert, et il y est resté dans le désert pendant quarante jours, tenté par Satan.

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A call to mute our everyday noises

The AJAN reflection for the first Sunday of Lent, 22 February, is written by Time Baluwa, coordinator of the Integral Youth Development program in Harare, Zimbabwe. The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for 40 days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild

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Pénitence : penser différemment

Notre réflexion pour ce mercredi des Cendres est écrit par le Père Michael Kelly SJ, un écrivain primé, conférencier et chercheur sur le VIH / SIDA qui a vécu en Zambie pendant la majeure partie de sa vie. Ses travaux ont porté sur l’interaction entre les questions de la pandémie,

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AJAN Lenten reflections 2017

“Your light shall rise in the darkness” (Isaiah 58:10) Following the success of the weekly Lenten reflections published on this website in previous years, the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) is going to repeat the initiative this year. On the day each reflection is published (in English and French), it

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AJAN Lenten reflections 2015

Following the success of the weekly Lenten reflections published on this website in 2013 and 2014, AJAN is set to repeat the initiative this year. The 2015 series of Lenten reflections will focus on the theme: Those who do what is true come to the light (Jn 3:21). The weekly

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Rwanda: Redeeming the world

(30 January 2015) With the eyes of our imagination, we looked upon all the people in our world, each one so different from the other: white and black; healthy and sick, some with AIDS; born and dying, some born with HIV, others dying of AIDS… Read more

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Zimbabwe: Working miracles

(30 January 2015) The AJAN HIV and AIDS Prevention Program for Youth (AHAPPY) is working miracles. We are seeing young people who have gone through the AHAPPY program move from being self-blaming and passive individuals to confident and assertive people… Read more

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