The celebration of the 20th anniversary of AJAN at the Center Arrupe Madagascar was a convivial moment for the stakeholders who have collaborated with AJAN in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Madagascar since 2005. Among the attributions of the Arrupe Center through its Pastoral Health and Family Program (PSF), is its mission to be closer to the poor, the oppressed and those that are excluded from society. The objective of Centre Arrupe Madagascar is to be at the forefront in the fight against HIV/AIDS, in reducing and eradicating this scourge, through prevention and education of the population of all age groups, and by supporting people living with HIV /AIDS.

In his intervention, the Provincial Father Ratsimbazafy Fulgence SJ, reiterated his heartfelt appreciation to AJAN: a structure working in humanitarian actions promoting faith and justice to save and protect every individual, to grow spirituality basing on the values of the Society of Jesus and the Ignatian family. These values have been lived and conveyed in the service we offer by protecting the dignity of each person so that no one feels excluded, discriminated against or oppressed. Indeed “AJAN built, AJAN raised, AJAN saved, AJAN created, AJAN gave life”, the various publications in review, newspapers, media, etc. bear witness to this, as well as this celebration that we share in a friendly way. The road continues and everyone is asked to take more responsibility as AJAN has done to contribute to this fight.

“Empowered individuals, families and communities working for a society free of HIV and AIDS and fullness of life (John 10:10)”. This is the vision of AJAN, supported by that of the CA MDG “a fairer society, a more viable world and a more livable environment”. The 20th anniversary celebration at CA MDG carried the theme “Yes to life!!! “, marking the value and dignity of human life that AJAN and its partners with the CA MDG promote in their activities, that align with the Universal Apostolic Preference of the Society: “to walk with the poor, the excluded from our society, vulnerable people.”

For those who attended the celebration, it was an entertaining moment where they were able to acquire and deepen the knowledge and information necessary in the fight against HIV/AIDS, on strengthening the education of young people to adopt risk-free behavior in the face of the pandemic, using the AHAPPY program which promotes Christian values and boosts the personal and integral development of young people, support for people living with HIV, being involved in the fight against discrimination and stigmatization of sick people and their families, violence against girls and women, etc.

“Yes to life! “ means to to enhance everyone and support each other for a life lived positively for the young, vulnerable and people living with HIV/AIDS in the face of the challenges they deal with on a daily basis.
By, Ms. Masy Alinoro,
Health and Family Program Officer at Centre Arrupe Madagascar