From October 30th to November 3rd. 2023, we were trained on HIV and STIs in Burkina. These days have brought to light the debilitating state of the world, with an increase in STI cases and mental health disorders, including a deficiency in sexual education among the youth. The world clearly needs urgent care. The world needs God, basic education without complexes and each man must discover his own human dimensions, his strengths and weaknesses so as to contribute to building a more responsible, healthy world by putting God at the center of our human action.

It was an opportunity to impart the necessary skills to be a good leader, coach, and disciple.
It was a rigorous education about the human need to know oneself, the world, and other people to make the world a happy place.

I recall the following: human relationships have a name and sex intervenes in marital bonds; the condom is a false solution; with young people being the most exposed to HIV and STIs due to their lack of listening and their unbridled thirst for discovery; there are at least 9 million people not supported by HIV/AIDS reference services; ARVs are drugs that we actually buy, but when we value our virginity, we cannot afford to lose it casually to get a job; Fidelity, virginity is very real and relevant; Social scourges must be addressed at the root, at the source; problem trees; etc. we must start acting in what is good for us. This last point greatly affected.

Despite the limited time, we learned through sharing experiences and engaging in thoughtful discussions like adults and just like kids do during games. However, we were blessed with masters, professionals, and experts who understood how to oversee everything in the creation of a peaceful, happy world for men to live in.
We appreciate the support of Fr. Ismaël, Patricia, Éloge, Félicienne, AJAN, and ABE. And to all of us as well, thank you.
I am going to endeavor to utilize everything that I have learned and act for my own personal well-being.
Hien J. Richard.
AHAPPY Trainee participant, Burkina Faso.
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