From the 5th to the 8th of December 2024, young people gathered at Silveria House to discuss and tackle the trending issue of Drug and Substance Abuse. This is a social ill which does not only bother our parents, our communities but the country at large.

So many young people engage into drug and substance abuse due to economic burdens and depression. They have nobody to talk to and have nothing to give or nowhere to earn a living. As the National Movement of Catholic Students, Consolation Zimbabwe, Magis, YPO and ZYCS we are saying NO TO DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Young people from the aforementioned organizations sat down to discuss on ways to empower young people. Entrepreneurship was one of the key solutions that was discussed.

Taa young people we are the now of tomorrow and the tomorrow of now. We are concerned about our peers and we will take action. Special mention goes to African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) for organizing and sponsoring such a wonderful and educational event. Not forgetting the Jesuit Youth Office of Southern Africa Province for engaging young people and encouraging young people from different parts of the country to participate.
By, Ruvimbo Ndaa
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