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All Posts by Dennis Owuoche


Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences Sociales, de l’Université Grégorienne de Rome en Italie. À la fin de l’année dernière, Jacquineau Azetsop, SJ a rendu visite au siège d’AJAN à Nairobi. Il a brièvement partagé avec le bureau de la communication d’AJAN et voici une brève interview à son sujet.

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Liberia is home to 4,918,367 people, equivalent to 0.06% of the total world population (United Nations 2019 Estimates). In 2016, approximately 43,000 (34 000 – 55 000) people were living with HIV. According to UNAIDS, AIDS response in the country faces numerous challenges including frequent antiretroviral therapy stock-outs. Ebola out breaks in the country

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Dia Mundial Da Sida, Lomé, Togo

563 adolescentes e jovens ficaram a conhecer o seu estado quanto ao HIV e fizeram a despistagem para a hepatite, a 1 de dezembro de 2018, Dia Mundial da SIDA, em Lomé, no Togo. A campanha de três dias organizada pelo Centro Esperança Loiola, em colaboração com AV-jovens e o

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Journée mondiale du Sida, Lomé Togo

563 adolescents et jeunes ont connu leur statut sérologique et le dépistage de l’hépatite dans le cadre de la journée mondiale du VIH & SIDA, le 1er décembre 2018, à Lomé au Togo. La campagne de trois jours organisée par le Centre Espérance Loyola en collaboration avec l’association AV-Jeunes et

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2018 World AIDS Day in Lome, Togo

563 young adolescents and youth got to know their HIV status and screening for Hepatitis on December 1, 2018 on World AIDS Day in Lome, Togo. The three-day campaign organized by the Centre Hope Loyola, in collaboration with AV-youth and the National Council to combat AIDS (CNLS-Togo) targeted young adolescents

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The Centre Culturel Loyola (CCL) and Centre Espérance Loyola (CEL) in Lome, Togo, Have a New Director, Fr. Desire Yamuremye

Appointed by the Provincial of West Africa in accordance with the Regional Superior of Rwanda-Burundi Region, Fr. Desiré Yamuremye is now the new Director of the Centre Culturel Loyola (CCL) and Centre Espérance Loyola (CEL), in Lome, Togo. A Jesuit from Burundi, Fr. Desiré was ordained ten years ago and

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