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Conference for young people: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis – “Young people, bearers of hope” (Christus Vivit)

On Saturday, April 24, 2021, the CA MDG’s Health and Family Pastoral program produced a video-conference on the theme: “Young people who bring hope”. The objective of this conference is to inform young people about the roles of the Church in their accompaniment for intellectual, personal and spiritual development.

In April 2019, Pope Francis wrote a book: “Christus Vivit” – translated as: Christ is alive. A book taken from a synodal exhortation made in 2018, it is mainly attributed to young people, because indeed the Pope affirms that the Church needs young people. In relation to this, throughout this conference, our speakers: Fr. Randrianandrasana Parfait (National Chaplain Fanilon’i Madagasikara), Fr. Rasolofonantenaina Lalatina (National Chaplain TAMPIKRI) and Fr. MANANTO Jacques (Deputy to the Coordinator of the Apostolic Field of Higher Education), all three Jesuit priests and educators of young people, developed the ideas contained in this pontifical exhortation Christus Vivit. The first part focused on the relationship between the Church and young people. According to the Old Testament, contrary to the consideration of society, God looks at young people differently.

According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ remains young forever, and he does not approve of the obligations imposed by society on young people. Age does not define greatness, on the contrary, young people represent the future. The Church and especially society have a duty to listen to young people. Indeed, sometimes religious leaders impose their own opinions and never listen to young people. This only widens the gap between them, and this is how young people no longer dare to express themselves freely. On the contrary, young people represent the future. The Church and especially society have a duty to listen to young people. Indeed, sometimes religious leaders impose their own opinions and never listen to young people. This only widens the gap between them, and this is how young people no longer dare to express themselves freely. On the contrary, young people represent the future. The Church and especially society have a duty to listen to young people. Indeed, sometimes religious leaders impose their own opinions and never listen to young people. This only widens the gap between them, and this is how young people no longer dare to express themselves freely.

In the second part, the speakers wanted to explain the love of God for young people. Indeed, every day, God shows his Love in several forms, such as the gift of life, parents, health… And young people must accept that these are blessings. Jesus Christ gave his life to deliver us, and Pope Francis urges us to accept this. The resurrection of Christ is a symbol of hope because it means that he lives with us and that we can fight against evil. Life is a gift of the Holy Spirit, young people must also walk with the Holy Spirit, this one can help them to overcome the difficulties of the life.

In the third and final part, the speakers provided guidance and advice for young people on the choice of work and studies according to the word of God. Youth is a period of dreams but above all choice, it is an essential stage for personal development. However, it is also a time of doubt! There are many who make bad choices and take paths that lead to destruction. Nowadays, the advent of social networks has greatly influenced the decision-making of young people. The relationship between parents and children deteriorates because most of the time, everyone is concentrated on their cell phone, many are those who do not know the danger that this can bring. We must then trust God, Christ because they are the only ones who can guide us. In the book Christus Vivit, Pope Francis insists on the fact that it is fundamental to conceive of pastoral care for young people, pastoral care with young people. Indeed, humanity has already encountered several changes and at this time, young people need guidance. This pastoral can help young people at the cultural, spiritual or psychological level. It is also a tool to place young people at the centre of the world, where they can express their know-how, their talents as well as their liveliness.

On July 17, the MDG Board of Directors decided to reproduce this conference in the room, to allow participants to interact directly with our speakers. We invite you to meet on Saturday, July 17, 2021 at CA MDG!

Dennis Owuoche

Dennis Owuoche Shadrack is the AJAN Communications and Research officer, Having joined AJAN in 2022 he has a broad experience in content writing; statements, press releases , website management, brand development, developing communications strategies and managing the social media, disseminating knowledge products, preparing flyers, reports and spreading other materials in order to enhance awareness about HIV and support Holistic development of the young people as a AHAPPY Trainer.


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